"Scholastic" is a term derived from the Greek word meaning "pertaining to leisure," so school, ironically enough, means leisure time. Not in the sense of idleness or diversion, but in the sense of freedom to pursue activities that transform, dignify, and enhance mindful life. Fiction, poetry, and drama, as well as philosophy, history, and spiritual writing all present engaging forms for achieving such transformation, and those forms are not restricted to academic settings. 

For over twenty years, I have been teaching classic and contemporary texts in literature and the humanities; not only at Harvard University, but to individuals, families, to reading groups at home, and professional organizations at work. It is always the right time to read a neglected great work for the first time or to return to it after enough experience has intervened to make that work's value and pleasure even greater than it was at first. 

To refresh yourself, to renew familial ties, to restore or create community, or to enhance creativity, satisfaction, and purposeful efficiency at work, contact me at theoharis.tc@gmail.com and let our literary journey begin!