Theoharis C. Theoharis graduated from Williams College in 1977 and received his Doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley in 1984. He has taught at Berkeley, MIT, and (since 1985) at Harvard, where he is an Associate in the Department of Comparative Literature. All three universities have honored him with their highest undergraduate teaching awards. He has lectured widely in the United States, Latin America, Asia, and Europe, most notably at Oxford, and, at the invitation of America's Ambassador to Ireland, Jean Kennedy Smith, at the Ambassador's Residence in Phoenix Park, Dublin. 

His work has appeared in many scholarly and literary journals in the US and abroad, including Harper's Magazine. His books include James Joyce's Ulysses: An Anatomy of the Soul; Ibsen's Drama: Right Action and Tragic Joy; and Before Time Could Change Them: The Complete Poems of Constantine P. Cavafy. Outside of the academy, he has edited The Boston Book Review and has done numerous consultations with cultural institutions and artists, including WGBH-TV in Boston and, theater director, Andre Gregory. He lives in Cambridge, MA.